We left Watsonville, CA this morning after a very good breakfast at Norma's Family Rest. We drove south on hwy 1, we saw lots of farming right on the coast. There were some strawberry fields and I really don't know what else. I was surprised of how much farming there was so near the ocean. It was still cold. I cannot believe how cold it has been since we left Salina, Utah. All the way across Nevada and California it has been really really cold. Well we would drive for a ways in sunshine and then a ways in clouds. We finally got down around Carmel and the coast got really pretty again. From Carmel down to where we are now in Morro Bay the views are just spectacular. I took lots of pictures as usual. We would stop often for me to take pictures. Jan has really been good about stopping quick :), it's easier on the trike than it was in the motor home. Skip and Cheryl lost us again today because Jan had to pull of the road to find out what he felt crawling in his helmet. (we never found anything). We caught back up with them after a while. I don't remember if I posted yesterday but Skip and Cheryl left while we were getting a picture of Alice's Rest. (it is kinda a novelty place), and we realized Skip headed East and we wanted to go West back to hwy 1, so we went the other way. They ended up getting lost in some deep dark woods when they decided to get off the interstate because of a traffic jam. I got a little worried about them but when we got to the hotel they were there. I was relieved. I was glad we went to hwy 1 though because I got to see a great lighthouse. I was excited about that. My first west coast lighthouse. OK i am tired. will add a few pictures and go to bed. Oh, I love Morro Bay! st
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