Friday, April 30, 2010

Just another day in my life

Well today is the last day of April 2010 and its the 5th Friday in this month. I hate 5 Fridays because that means 5 paydays in one month. If you are in business you can understand.

Jan & I went to Crystal River yesterday to pick up a used topper for his pick-up. We plan on letting the girls use it on their road trip in June. Beth, Beka and Jennifer are going on an exciting vacation to lots of places and they will use Jan's truck. Anyway we took Jonas with us so January could get some Arbonne work done. I got lots of exercise in my truck seat dancing and waving my arms around to the music so he would be entertained. Jan said the people behind us would think he had a crazy person with him. It was fun and Jonas loved it. He got a little tired just sitting in his car seat. I showed him videos of Beka and Beth dancing to Giddy On Up and he loved that, cell phones are great to entertaine little tykes like him. We did lots of fun things with him and his little smiles were payment enough for all the silly things we did. He's sooooooo sweet. His mom thinks so too. Although he did look a little beat up because he fell into a rose bush and got a few scrapes and scratches from it. poor baby.

Work is a little slow today. Hopefully after this hot weekend we will get busy busy busy. We really need it. After all we did have five paydays this month. :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

today's another day to learn something new :)

I thought this was the cutiest picture of Jonas and his cousin Grayson. They had hunted Easter eggs and was watching the fish in Aunt Molly's goldfish pond. Something else caught their eye.
This was the first Easter Jonas actually hunted eggs. He really wasn't that excited about the egg hunt because he smelled hot umps on the grill. They are actually hot dogs but thats what Jonas calls them. Jonas had rather eat than anything else. January says he would eat all day long if you let him. I hope him and Grayson become good buddies and have lots of fun together.
As far as learning something new, well we will see how this post appears on my page. I hope it is in the place I wanted it. I am also learning a new clogging dance. I'm just not as quick as I used to be, but I'm working on it. My daughters actually think I'm quiet funny, I'd like to smack them sometime. :) jk

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Weekend at the River

Well Jan and I went to the river on Saturday and had a great day.

We lay out on the deck for an hour or so and got some suntan and then decided to ride our bicycles. We rode the bike trail into Branford. The weather was so nice and the wisteria and azaleas were blooming. We rode about 11 miles. We then drank a fizzy tab from Arbonne and got our energy revved up. We started cleaning up around the house. I blew off the porches and under the cabin and Jan cleaned up around the cookshed and did general maintenance on stuff.

It was time for coffe, YES, my favorite time of the day. We had a lite supper and I made coffee for the deck. I lit the torches I had got from Lowes that morning

and brought out the

Friday, April 9, 2010

Suwannee County Fair

Well we couldn't wait to take Jonas to the fair. We wanted to see him ride all the rides and get the joy of his smiles. We also wanted to see our daughters clog in the talent contest. We got there about 5:30 I guess and followed along with January, Patrick and Jonas, not wanting to miss anything. Went to the petting zoo to see all the animals, Jonas wasn't too sure about touching them. January decided to feed them and one of the alpacas or llamas spit on Needless to say she didn't feed him anything else. We moved on to the other nicer animals. We got a few pics with the animals and then January and Jonas rode a camel. I've never rode a camel, I should of done that tonight. Oh well another day :). I was surprised that Jonas rode it, but he felt safe in his mommies arms and sat right up there and never blinked an eye. He's getting to be such a big boy. Next we decided to coax him into riding the ponies. January had to run along side the ponies holding him on, mommies do so much for their kids. He decided after a while they weren't so bad. We met up with Beka and Beth and watched them clog, they did so good. The music kinda messed up a little but it didn't bother their performance. they should of won but the judges were (be nice) deaf and blind I think.
We moved on to the train and he really took to the buttons and steering wheel in the engine they were in. I think January had to pry him out of it. Oh I think I skipped the carousel, he was pretty good on that one also. Patrick got pictures of them on the Zebra, I think. January and Jonas then got on the little roller coaster, what a surprise, it was faster than expected and I couldn't stop laughing. January was squeezing Jonas so tight and he was NOT enjoying the ride. (but he didn't cry). We walked around a bit and I was freezing. I didn't go prepared for the coolness of the night air. Another year at the Suwannee County Fair.

Monday, April 5, 2010

I don't know what I'm doing

Ok I don't get this yet so bear with me while I learn what to do.
I think this may get fun. I just don't want to stress out trying to blog :)

Birds of a Feather

Ok here goes my first post on my blog. I have always kept a journal of sorts so I thought this might be fun.