Well we left Eurika Springs after trying to find a resturant open at 6:30 am and did not. We drove several miles before we found a little ma & pa cafe open. It was homemade bread, grits and over easy eggs. umm good. Oh did I forget good strong, hot coffee. It was a nice little place Korner Kafe, how many of those can we have. anyway it was good. We drove into Missouri for a short distance and then entered Oklahoma. The landscapes changes after a few miles or more into the next state. Oklahoma gets flat and windy through most of the state. I know there are always exceptions depending on where you go but it seems when we travel throught Oklahoma and Kansas the wind beats you almost to death. It was really hot even if the wind was blowing. There are many grain fields, wheat, corn and also lavender fields. The fields are endless, acres and acres of grain. I always think of the song America The Beautiful, you know the one O beautiful for spacious skies and amber waves of grain (is that how it goes?) We also see many grain silos. Oh also in Kansas and the east side of Colorado the cattle feed lots are all over. They used to be closer to hwy 50, but I guess EPA or someone made them move them futher back from the highway. You can still see a few close to the road though and I got a few pics, here is the beef!
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