We had a huge yard sale on Saturday morning. It went well, we sold furniture, clothes, shoes, nic-naks?, and lots of other stuff we needed to get rid of. We made about $600.00 or more so I think it turned out pretty good.
After the yard sale Beka, January and myself went to Tonya's wedding in Jacksonville. It was reallly pretty and the reception was great. I just wish they would cut the wedding cake earlier. We got home late that night.
Sunday we went to church and then to the river. I stopped to visit with Kathy Ray at Aunt Olean's house. Most of mom's brothers and sisters were there. I haven't seen some of them in a long time so it was good to see and visit with them for a while.
Jan, Beka, Patrick, January and Jonas were already in the boat. We cooked and ate supper and Beth came in about 10 or so. On Monday morning I cooked pancakes for everyone. Tim, Susan and Kyle came down and ate with us. We had pancakes with fruit toppings & bacon. It was really good. We took the boat out for a long ride down river. Jan, Jonas and all us girls rode almost to the Santa Fe. Oh, Patrick had to leave and go to Thomasville for baseball camp at the college. He helps players improve their skills. Brad had to work on Monday so he wasn't able to be there either. Later in the day January and Jan decided to test the skis out. They both skied great. Jan felt so good he decided to barefoot, which he hasn't done in several years. here are a few pics of the weekend activities.